Movie rental refactor challenge

I got this refactor challenge for a simple ruby script that has 3 objects and produces a statement. In effect we have a Movie object, a Rental object and a Customer object. The purpose of the script is to print out a statement with the customer’s name, order, amount due and frequent renter points.

The code that I received for refactoring has syntax and other errors, which after a quick email exchange I found out where put there intentionally. So it’s more of a fix the code challenge rather than a refactor job, but I did both. Underneath you’ll see the snippets of the code I got:

class Movie

  attr_reader :title_for_movie
  attr_accessor :price_code

  def initialize(title_for_movie, price_code)
    @title_for_movie, @price_code = title_for_movie, price_code
class Rental
  attr_reader :movie, :days_rented

  def initialize(movie, days_rented)
    @movie, @days_rented = movie, days_rented

And the problem object

class CustomerClass
  attr_reader :customer_name

  def initialize(customer_name)
    @customer_name = customer_name
    @rentals ||= []

  def add_rental_object_to_list(arg)
    x = 7
    @rentals << arg

  def statement
    total_amount, freqent_renter_points = 0, 0
    result = "Rental Record for #{@customer_name}\n"
    @rentals.each do |_element|
      this_amount = 0

      # determine amounts for each line
  when Movie::REGULAR
    this_amount += 2; this_amount += (_element.days_rented - 2) * 1.5 if _element.days_rented > 2
  when Movie::NEW_RELEASE
    this_amount += _element.days_rented * 3
    this_amount += 1.5; this_amount += (_element.days_rented - 3) * 1.5 if _element.days_rented > 3

      # add frequent renter points
      freqent_renter_points += 1
      # add bonus for a two day new release rental
      freqent_renter_points += 1 if == Movie.NEW_RELEASE && _element.days_rented > 1

      # show figures for this rental
      result += "\t" + + "\t" + this_amount.to_s + "\n"
    total_amount += this_amount
    # add footer lines
    result += "Amount owed is #{total_amount.to_s}\n"
    result += "You earned #{freqent_renter_points.to_s} frequent renter points"

At first glance we can see that we are dealing with a renting operation in which a customer chooses one or more movies to rent and gets billed accordingly.

We can see from a glance that the customer class is pretty much a mess. We have an unnecessary variable (x = 7) , we have bad variable and method names “add_rental_object_to_list(arg)” , an improper constant call “Movie.NEW_RELEASE” , a couple of typos and worst still:

# We have code comments
# Now for those of you that are new to my blog
# or are simply curious as to why I am so opposed to comments
# the reason is twofold and boils down to this:
# The existence of code comments is proof of hard to understand code
# and hard to understand code logic.
# If you need to add comments to your code
# to make it readable, chances are you need to refactor more.
# And secondly, I have yet to meet a developer that once tasked with
# making changes to commented code will take the time to 
# improve and change the comments so that they now reflect the new 
# code reality. So what happens is that by the time the third developer
# comes up to the code, the comments say one story because they are outdated
# and the code tells a whole other story.

Now, let’s move on to how I made the code, and look under the hood a bit

class Movie

  attr_reader :title_for_movie
  attr_accessor :price_code

  def initialize(title_for_movie: title_for_movie, price_code: price_code)
    @title_for_movie = title_for_movie
    @price_code = price_code
class Rental
  attr_accessor :movie, :days_rented

  def initialize(movie: movie, days_rented: days_rented)
    @movie = movie
    @days_rented = days_rented
class Customer
  attr_accessor :customer_name

  def initialize(customer_name: customer_name)
    @customer_name = customer_name

Now you must be wondering ‘what happened to all the code logic from the customer class?’

Well I extracted out all that business logic and placed it all inside an Interactor. I did this because all business logic should be extracted and separated from ruby/rails logic. I like to keep my public objects as plain and as dumb as humanly possible. I guess you have heard of the paradigm, ‘slim model fat controller’ or others put it as ‘slim controller fat model’. I for one prefer to keep all my main public objects as slim and as dumb as possible.

I know what you’re thinking, ‘model? controller? what does rails logic have to do with a ruby script?’ and you’d be right. But I am putting out an idea. and as I’ve said it before in a previous post the business logic of your app should be extracted and tested separately. This has many advantages including: a more modular design, easier to read code, easier to extend and maintain, easier to refactor etc.

So first I’ll put the tests

require 'spec_helper'
require_relative '../interactors/set_price_and_bonus_points'
require_relative '../bin/rental'
require_relative '../bin/movie'
require_relative '../bin/customer'

RSpec.describe Interactors::SetPriceAndBonusPoints do
  let(:new_movie)       { "Jaws", price_code: Movie::NEW_RELEASE) }
  let(:kids_movie)      { "Incredibles 2", price_code: Movie::CHILDRENS_MOVIE)}
  let(:regular_movie)   { "Avengers", price_code: Movie::REGULAR)}
  let(:new_rental)      { new_movie, days_rented: 2)}
  let(:kids_rental)     { kids_movie, days_rented: 4)}
  let(:regular_rental)  { regular_movie, days_rented: 2)}
  let(:customer)        { "Robert")}

  describe 'calculates and prints out a statement' do

    it 'returns 0 amount and 0 bonus points if no movie is rented' do
      expect([], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $0\nYou earned 0 frequent renter points"

    it 'can calculate a price and bonus points awarded for a new release movie rented for 2 days' do
      expect([new_rental], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $6\nYou earned 2 frequent renter points"

    it 'can calculate a price and bonus points awarded for a kids movie rented for 4 days' do
      expect([kids_rental], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $1.5\nYou earned 1 frequent renter points"

    it 'can calculate a price and bonus points awarded for a kids movie rented for 2 days, and it should cost just as much as for 4 days' do
      new_kids_rental = kids_movie, days_rented: 1)
      expect([new_kids_rental], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $1.5\nYou earned 1 frequent renter points"

    it 'can calculate a price and bonus points awarded for a regular movie rented for 2 days' do
      expect([regular_rental], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $2\nYou earned 1 frequent renter points"

    it 'can calculate multiple rental bonus points and a prices added up' do
      expect([new_rental, kids_rental, regular_rental], customer)).to eq "Rental record for Robert\nAmount owed is $9.5\nYou earned 4 frequent renter points"

And here is the actual code

module Interactors
  SetPriceAndBonusPoints = lambda { |rentals, customer|
    amount_owed = 0
    frequent_renter_points = 0
    result = "Rental record for #{customer.customer_name}\n"
    rentals.each do |rental|
      individual_film_amount = 0
      if == Movie::NEW_RELEASE
        individual_film_amount += rental.days_rented * 3
        rental.days_rented > 1 ? frequent_renter_points += 2 : frequent_renter_points += 1
      elsif == Movie::REGULAR
        rental.days_rented > 2 ? individual_film_amount += (rental.days_rented - 2) * 1.5 : individual_film_amount += 2
        frequent_renter_points += 1
      else == Movie::CHILDRENS_MOVIE
      rental.days_rented > 3 ? individual_film_amount += (rental.days_rented - 3) * 1.5 : individual_film_amount += 1.5
      frequent_renter_points += 1
      result += "\t" + + "\t" + "$" + individual_film_amount.to_s + "\n"
      amount_owed += individual_film_amount
    result += "Amount owed is $#{amount_owed}\n"
    result += "You earned #{frequent_renter_points} frequent renter points"

I extracted all the logic in this lamba function that you can conveniently call as such:[new_rental, kids_rental], customer)

and it will print out the following:

Rental record for Robert
        Jaws    $9
        Incredibles 2   $1.5
        Avengers        $1.5
Amount owed is $12.0
You earned 4 frequent renter points

You can find the code repo here and also other code snippets and scripts.

Have a splendid week!

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